Monday, June 18, 2012

A Solution to Homelessness (maybe)

You may remember (if you have been reading all my blog posts) that we have a little dilemma that is not too far away.  Our lease is up at the end of July and the owners aren't willing to extend our lease until the end of October.  The cyclical nature of renting houses in a college town means they want us out so they can try to get someone in before the semester starts at the end of August.  We will be ready to move out, but one small problem.  

Our house currently looks like this...

and won't be done until sometime in October. I just had to put this picture in because it is so fun to see the house changing.  The bathtub in the driveway isn't ours.  They delivered it to the wrong house.  Strange how it can sit out there for a couple of weeks and no one bothers it.

Anyway, back on topic.  We have had several different options for the time that we would be homeless.  The solution that we came up with at the end of last week is a great one.  Our good friends and former neighbors are moving to Ft. Worth for a job.  Their house has been on the market since March and they haven't had much interest.  They are moving out at the beginning of July and aren't really interested in renting it out, but they are interested in renting to us to cover their mortgage.  The house is bigger than the one we are in now, is in the school zone we will be moving to with the new house, and the rent is great for us.  We have talked about most of the details and feel really good about signing a contract at the beginning of July.

So where does the (maybe) come in?  Since we talked on Friday, they have shown their house THREE times!  Of course, we want them to sell their house and it will continue to be for sale while we live in it, but SERIOUSLY???  If they don't get an offer, we will sign the contract and move in at the end of July.  We will both be able to terminate the contract with 30 days notice so that they can continue to try to sell their house and we could become homeless again.

Although I am a little bit nervous, I am trusting in God's plan for us.  It is comforting to know that He knows exactly where we are going to be moving and it will all work out the way it is supposed to.

Now I just need to get serious about packing...     

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