Saturday, June 30, 2012

Running the Race

I have never been a runner in any phase of my life.  I tried to do the Couch to 5K and gave up after a week and a half.  Never say never, I may do it again, but that isn't the point of this post.  If I had to choose cross-country or a sprint, I would choose a sprint hands down.  I am great with working under tight timelines.  I don't like projects that hang on for a long time (like my dissertation!)

So what's the point?  Isn't this supposed to be a blog about building our house?  Yes, but the house building isn't the cross-country part.  The packing is what I dread.  We are moving out of our current house in a little less than a month to move into our 3 month temporary house until our new house is done.  We have never been good at moving (although we have done it plenty of times).  This time we are trying to do it right.  We have already started packing and are having a garage sale next weekend.  But I HATE the packing! 

I found these two shoes (not a pair) in Emmalee's closet.  They have been there two years without us noticing!

I decided that I need an App like runners have on their phones where you can encourage them as they go.

 "Way to go, Kristie, three boxes packed!"  
"Wow, Emmalee's clothes are all sorted and ready for the garage sale!" 
 "You can do it!" "Just do one more box!"  

Those are the things I need to hear right now.  I am tired and achy and feel that there is so much more in front of me than behind me. 

My first box!
There isn't as much progress as I would have liked, but here is part of what I have done:

My big goal is to get as much done as possible so we can have a wildly successful garage sale and earn some money for the move! 
 "You can do this, Kristie!"

Saturday, June 23, 2012

We're a little bit country...

Here is the sight that greeted us in our new neighborhood when we went to check on the house this week...

Did I mention we live in Texas?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Christmas Tree Window

When we decided on our floor plan, we were most concerned with the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the set-up of the kitchen.  We liked the layout of the living room/dining room and having a study was nice too.  After we chose our plan, the girls realized that we had a feature that we I always wanted: 

Isn't it awesome?  Okay, I know that it isn't that impressive right now, but come December, I plan on it looking something like this:

I know that it won't be quite so grand, but one of my favorite sights when driving around at Christmastime is seeing Christmas trees in the front windows of houses.  It looks so homey and welcoming.  Our window is in the study at the front of the house.  We should be able to put our tree in that room (and shut the door to save it from the dogs) and turn the lights on every night to welcome our friends and neighbors to the Christmas season.

If it weren't June in Texas, I might just make some hot cocoa and put the Christmas tunes on in anticipation...

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Solution to Homelessness (maybe)

You may remember (if you have been reading all my blog posts) that we have a little dilemma that is not too far away.  Our lease is up at the end of July and the owners aren't willing to extend our lease until the end of October.  The cyclical nature of renting houses in a college town means they want us out so they can try to get someone in before the semester starts at the end of August.  We will be ready to move out, but one small problem.  

Our house currently looks like this...

and won't be done until sometime in October. I just had to put this picture in because it is so fun to see the house changing.  The bathtub in the driveway isn't ours.  They delivered it to the wrong house.  Strange how it can sit out there for a couple of weeks and no one bothers it.

Anyway, back on topic.  We have had several different options for the time that we would be homeless.  The solution that we came up with at the end of last week is a great one.  Our good friends and former neighbors are moving to Ft. Worth for a job.  Their house has been on the market since March and they haven't had much interest.  They are moving out at the beginning of July and aren't really interested in renting it out, but they are interested in renting to us to cover their mortgage.  The house is bigger than the one we are in now, is in the school zone we will be moving to with the new house, and the rent is great for us.  We have talked about most of the details and feel really good about signing a contract at the beginning of July.

So where does the (maybe) come in?  Since we talked on Friday, they have shown their house THREE times!  Of course, we want them to sell their house and it will continue to be for sale while we live in it, but SERIOUSLY???  If they don't get an offer, we will sign the contract and move in at the end of July.  We will both be able to terminate the contract with 30 days notice so that they can continue to try to sell their house and we could become homeless again.

Although I am a little bit nervous, I am trusting in God's plan for us.  It is comforting to know that He knows exactly where we are going to be moving and it will all work out the way it is supposed to.

Now I just need to get serious about packing...     

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Handwriting on the Wall...

Thanks to blogs and Pinterest, my children find lots of great ideas of things to do.  Of course, most of them never get done, but it is fun to think that we will do them!

One of the ideas that they came across that we loved was the idea of writing on the frame of the house before the sheetrock goes up.  This afternoon we went to the house and wrote Bible verses on many of the walls.  It took longer than we thought it would, so we hope to do more this week.  It was fun choosing what verses to put in what locations. 

Jessica was probably the most into it and definitely has the most written in her room right now.  Dad made sure she was secure on the ladder as she looks at her Bible to choose a verse for her ceiling.

Joe and I had to take turns writing the verse in our bedroom.  My hand was getting cramped and I thought it was nice for both of us to write.  Our choice was obvious: 1 Corinthians 13:4 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."  Joe's brother read this passage at our wedding and we try to live by it in our marriage. 

Laura is standing in her closet looking out her window.  We all think it is cool that her closet has a window in it.  She says she is going to grow her hair out to be Rapunzel.  For all of you who are getting nervous about my almost teenage daughter having a window in her closet and playing Rapunzel, don't worry.  The window won't open.  My favorite verse that she wrote was in her closet. 1 Peter 3:3-4 "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."  How awesome that she chose that passage to put in her closet to remind herself that her character is more important than her clothing.  

Emmalee wasn't with us, so we hope to go back one evening this week and write some more.  When I told her that we were planning on doing this, she said "we could write thank you to the people building the house."   How awesome that she realizes that people are working really hot in the Texas summer heat to make our home for us.

Even though we are not doing the labor on the house, it is nice to feel that we are all a part of making a home for our family built on a strong foundation.  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Moving On Up

The view from the landing

When I was a child, I always wanted a two story house.  I think it is one of those kid things- two stories=big house.  We lived in a two story house for a couple of years when I was pretty little, but after that we lived in just one story houses.  Back when our oldest daughter was little and our middle daughter was born, we lived in a two story house.  We loved that house, however, my husband ruptured his Achilles' tendon three weeks before our second daughter was born and both girls' bedrooms were upstairs.  It was a very difficult time in our lives for lots of reasons and being in a two story house at that time in our lives was difficult.

As my daughters got older, they really wanted a two story house.  We weren't sure, but when we found out that it is cheaper to go up than out, we decided up was the way to go.  One of the reasons that we weren't sure is that last September, my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  MS is not curable and can produce lots of different symptoms for different people.  Joe is on really good medicine and has done great, but he does have some balance issues so we knew that one non-negotiable for our house is that the master bedroom had to be downstairs.

Me on the "landing" on our stairway
As we start to see the house take shape more and more each day, I really love the fact that it is two story.  I think it is that kid thing again.  The two stories make it seem big.  Our kids are older now (16, 12, and 9) and will have the upstairs mostly to themselves.  Although we love to be together as a family, the thought of sending them upstairs (especially when they have friends over) is very appealing! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Room with a View

I love the fact that we have a bay window in the master bedroom.  It isn't large, but I just like how it is a detail that makes the room different and I love windows.  So I was at the house last week and noticed what I would see looking out our bay window.

I thought this would be cool to share.  Luckily, before I wrote this I realized that my view out my window will be a little different.  (Besides the fact that the construction stuff won't be there anymore).  We are going to have a fence.  Duh!

Today when we were at the house (I love saying "house" not "lot" anymore).  I realized that we still have a room with a view.  This is the view from the game room upstairs.

 Again, minus the wood.  We will have a fenced in backyard that we look at, but I love the green space that goes on outside of our fence and the wildflowers and woods beyond.  I know that some of that could change eventually, but at least for now, it should stay the way it is and we have a little bit of country (with the convenience of a neighborhood pool, playground, and great sidewalks). 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a House!

Sorry for the cliffhanger and the the delay. Somehow Laura's volleyball and dress rehearsals for the musical she is in, Emmalee's art camp and swimming lessons, Jessica's art history class, cooking, cleaning, and laundry (oh yeah, and my full-time job) have interfered with my blog posting.  I know it hasn't been that long, but I left you hanging.

The good news is....

Saturday at lunchtime
Saturday late afternoon

Monday at lunchtime!
We now can see where the rooms are and get a better idea of what we only saw on paper before.  It is so cool to see it finally taking shape.  If you are observant, you will notice that the last picture has some dark clouds.  That's right, a HUGE storm blew in late this afternoon. Wouldn't you know that with our house all exposed and naked like that it would finally rain!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


We have moved many times in our married life.  Nine times in 18 years!  Counting the move to our temporary (TBD) home and then the new house, that will make 11 times!  No, we are not in the military or any other job that would mean moving frequently.  The moves were for a lot of different reasons and some were more pleasant that others.  The last few moves have been really stressful and we haven't been completely ready on the day of the move.  Sorting, organizing, getting rid of things, and packing are not my strong suit or my husband's.  This time, things are going to be different!  I can say that confidently, because we are well on our way.  Yesterday morning about half of our garage looked like this:

Today, our garage looks like this:

Pretty much all we have left to work through

Things going to a garage sale (minus the minivan)

Things that are moving with us

I spent a total of about five hours in the garage yesterday and feel like I made it past the point where I thought it wouldn't be possible to get it all done.  I wish it was all done, but we are going through every box (and a few have been with us for the last two houses or so).  And, do I even need to mention that it is HOT in Texas?  However, we are vowing to not have unpacked boxes in our new house.  What is the point of having "stuff" if you can't enjoy it?

Stay "tuned" later today or tomorrow for a very exciting post with fun pictures!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Best Laid Plans...

That is the blog title that has been rolling around in my head for the last several days.  Sadly, I can't think of what the rest of it says.  I think we always just say "the best laid plans..." and you are supposed to just understand that the rest means that things don't always go the way we thought the would.

I guess you are probably seeing where this post is going right now.  This week we have had two great "plans" that have not worked out the way we wanted them to.  The good news is that not only do we have a foundation, we have a driveway!

Ready to be poured

And the finished product

I am sure you wondering what the plans were that went astray.  The first had to do with the driveway.  We thought we would put our hand prints in the driveway before it dried.  Guess what?  The driveway dries REALLY fast!  Unlike the foundation, the driveway was fairly simple and two men poured it while we were running errands on Saturday.  We came back in the late afternoon and it was way too dry to make our hand prints. 

The other plan was to take professional pictures once the framing was done or in progress.  I thought it would be a cool backdrop for the pictures and a lot of fun.  Unfortunately, it is getting hot in Texas and even though we postponed the pictures once to try to wait until the framing was done, we couldn't wait any longer and took them nearby in a cool country setting this Monday.  We will still try to take pictures, but it won't be what I pictured.

As of today, the supplies are at the house for the framing to start, but it hasn't started yet.  And guess what is in the forecast for the next few days... RAIN!

What this week has taught me is that whether we put our hand prints in the foundation or not, whether we have our pictures taken just the way I pictured, or whether the framing is delayed this is still our house and when it is all done we will be living there and raising our children and making memories.  Life isn't perfect and plans rarely go just as we thought they would.  Fortunately, God has a plan for us and He knows exactly what will happen and His plans are perfect.  And those are "the best laid plans."