Saturday, June 30, 2012

Running the Race

I have never been a runner in any phase of my life.  I tried to do the Couch to 5K and gave up after a week and a half.  Never say never, I may do it again, but that isn't the point of this post.  If I had to choose cross-country or a sprint, I would choose a sprint hands down.  I am great with working under tight timelines.  I don't like projects that hang on for a long time (like my dissertation!)

So what's the point?  Isn't this supposed to be a blog about building our house?  Yes, but the house building isn't the cross-country part.  The packing is what I dread.  We are moving out of our current house in a little less than a month to move into our 3 month temporary house until our new house is done.  We have never been good at moving (although we have done it plenty of times).  This time we are trying to do it right.  We have already started packing and are having a garage sale next weekend.  But I HATE the packing! 

I found these two shoes (not a pair) in Emmalee's closet.  They have been there two years without us noticing!

I decided that I need an App like runners have on their phones where you can encourage them as they go.

 "Way to go, Kristie, three boxes packed!"  
"Wow, Emmalee's clothes are all sorted and ready for the garage sale!" 
 "You can do it!" "Just do one more box!"  

Those are the things I need to hear right now.  I am tired and achy and feel that there is so much more in front of me than behind me. 

My first box!
There isn't as much progress as I would have liked, but here is part of what I have done:

My big goal is to get as much done as possible so we can have a wildly successful garage sale and earn some money for the move! 
 "You can do this, Kristie!"


  1. Remember your Dad's philosophy. How do you eat an elephant? Yep!! One bite at a time.

  2. You can do it!
    Just one more box today.
    Sort, sort, sort.
    Pack, pack, pack.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I am not as young as I used to be :)
