Sunday, September 16, 2012

Long Time, No Post

I think most bloggers go through this at one time or another... I am a bad blogger.  Life really got in the way the last five weeks or so.  I am sure you have all missed me (ha!), and the good and bad news is that I will probably not be blogging much longer.

Because we close on the house on FRIDAY!!!!

About three weeks ago, we learned that we are closing on the house about 3 weeks earlier than our last estimate.  We are so excited.  I am nervous that this week will drag, but since we have work and school and other things going on, I think it will speed by. 

There is no way to chronologically catch up with what I have missed blogging about, so I am just going to post some pictures and tell some fun things.

 Wow.  Amazing right?  I know, I know... it's just a mailbox and not that fancy.  However, we are lazy and like going outside our door to get our mail rather than going to one of those metal mailbox thingies.  Every house on our street has a mailbox, BUT the newer houses in our neighborhood have the metal shared ones.  We have looked and haven't seen a metal one anywhere and since we were told we would have to use the metal kind, we were worried we were going to have to go to Timbuktu to get our mail.  Joe told them to build us a mailbox and we have one.  Friday at our walk-through, I asked about the mail and our super (who lives in our neighborhood) said they will deliver to us.  They may give us a hard time, but we should be able to get what we want!

I don't have the most current pictures of the outside of the house and I can't post the older ones now that I know that it looks so different, so hopefully we can run over there sometime today and get some new ones.  We have grass and a fence and some finishing details on the house and a flower bed and it is looking good!  You will have to just trust me for now.
 Just a couple of stories about walking through the house today (with pictures since it is looking pretty).  The picture above is obviously our master bathroom.  Don't worry, it is not open under the bathtub anymore.  This week when we walked through, the towel rods were all up.  The only place for a towel rod in the master bathroom was above the bathtub.  So there was a very crooked towel rod hanging above the bathtub.  I am not quite 5'2" tall.  There is no way I could get a towel without stepping into the bathtub every time!  So, the towel rack is now gone and we will add some hooks on the door instead.  Easy fix!

Above is our new master bathroom.  I can't wait to have my own sink again!  This is what we are all five sharing now...
If you look carefully, you can see my hand holding the phone in the picture.  I wasn't paying attention and almost had a shot of me in my p.j.s for you all :)

One of my favorite places is the kitchen.  One of my favorite parts of the kitchen is the pantry.  Can you believe this?

 We love to cook and can't wait to make use of all the space.  The two pictures below are a little messy, but you get the idea.  I can't wait to have an island in the kitchen!

See our double oven on the right hand side??  Remember our splurges from ?

And here was another fun surprise.  We knew we had a fireplace (of course), but we didn't know that we were getting the gas logs.  Of course, it makes sense once Joe told me that we didn't have a chimney.  I never thought about it.  Some people may prefer the real wood and the real fire, but I think with our family's allergies and asthma, we are just fine with the fireplace the way it is!

So now we wait.  The house was appraised on Friday and we should know something from the underwriter tomorrow (if they want something else).  They tell us everything should be fine, but I am trying hard not to worry that something will go wrong.  Once the papers are all signed and the keys are in our hands, then I will feel much better!