Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a House!

Sorry for the cliffhanger and the the delay. Somehow Laura's volleyball and dress rehearsals for the musical she is in, Emmalee's art camp and swimming lessons, Jessica's art history class, cooking, cleaning, and laundry (oh yeah, and my full-time job) have interfered with my blog posting.  I know it hasn't been that long, but I left you hanging.

The good news is....

Saturday at lunchtime
Saturday late afternoon

Monday at lunchtime!
We now can see where the rooms are and get a better idea of what we only saw on paper before.  It is so cool to see it finally taking shape.  If you are observant, you will notice that the last picture has some dark clouds.  That's right, a HUGE storm blew in late this afternoon. Wouldn't you know that with our house all exposed and naked like that it would finally rain!

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