Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Secret Obsession

I don't know if I should publish this blog post.  Do I really know you well enough?  I feel pretty exposed putting this on the World Wide Web for everyone to read.  Strangers may read it. Friends might read it.  Family surely will read it.

Okay.  Here is goes.  I am obsessed with my blog stats.  If you are not a blogger, that probably won't mean anything to you.  I just realized a couple of days ago that I can see how many page views that I have every day and for every post.  I can see whether you read my blog on Windows, an Android phone, or an iPhone.  I can tell if you are using Firefox or Internet Explorer.  I can see whether you are in Turkey (hi, Heather!), the United States (almost all of you), Qatar (hi, TAMUQ friends), or Russia (do I know someone in Russia right now?)

The bad thing about my obsession is that I think it comes from my need to be liked.  I check to see how many views I have for each post and wonder if maybe you didn't like my post one day so I lost you forever as a reader.  Just in case that just struck fear in your heart, I can't see whether YOU personally read my post or not just whether YOU collectively read my post.  I know that it shouldn't matter and this isn't a popularity contest, but...

So, just in case you are wondering, the blog post with the most views so far is "The Dilemma."  Surely by now you realize that the reason the title of this post is "My Secret Obsession" is that I was pretty sure that would give me my highest numbers yet :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll feed your obsession by reading your post on every PC, laptop, iPhone and iPad we have! :)
