Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Move is a Four Letter Word

This move was T.O.U.G.H.  We tried to be prepared ahead of time, we started packing early, we hired movers to help move the furniture to the storage unit, and still the move was not easy.  As I said before, I am not a good packer.  I get very tired of packing and overwhelmed.  Although we had lots and lots of boxes packed (and used every one that we got from our sweet friends) we still had things that we didn't put in boxes because we just didn't know how.  My parents and mother-in-law were super helpful with finishing packing and getting things to both the new house and the storage unit.  The movers helped for about 3 hours and got most of the things moved to storage.  My co-worker Paul came over and helped once they were gone and we still needed some muscle (I am sure he will be thrilled with that title!)

In case you are not from or have never been to Texas in July, it is EXTREMELY HOT.  With Joe's MS, he has problems with the heat and he struggled both physically and emotionally as he couldn't do all that he felt he should be able to do to help.  It was hard to watch him try to do too much and he actually ended up at the doctor on the Monday morning after the move because he could hardly walk.

We got the majority of the moving done on Saturday then Joe, Jessica, Laura, and I went back on Sunday afternoon to move everything else to the garage so that the person we were paying to clean the house could do it on Monday.  I worked on Monday morning and then went back to finish the garage on Monday afternoon by myself.  I'm not going to lie, I was terrified I couldn't get it done.  I took Tuesday off also so that I could do some other house things and didn't want to go back to finish the garage.  Well, I surprised myself and everyone else.  By 5:00, the garage looked like this:

I should have taken a "before" picture, but I think I would be embarrassed to show it to the world!  I was excited to be done at that house and I know that this part of our "house adventure" was probably the most difficult part.  We have vowed to get movers for our next move since they will get everything from storage and take it to the new house.  I have already got a few people lined up to help pack our little house when it is time and I will try to be better about asking for help (not one of my strong suits).

And I just keep trying to remind myself that it will all be worth it in two and a half months or so...

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